Dallas Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics
8201 Preston Road #350
Dallas, TX 75225
Phone: (214) 631-7546
Fax: (214) 631-8546
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–4p.m.

Your First Filler Treatment: The Step by Step Process

dermal fillers dallas

Cosmetic injectable treatments are more popular than ever. But some new to cosmetic procedures might be nervous about the treatment process. We love introducing dermal fillers to our Dallas-area patients and explaining that there’s nothing to fear. If you’re searching for a noninvasive procedure that adds facial volume and minimizes wrinkles, dermal fillers are an excellent solution.

Curious if injectables are right for you? This blog post will explain what to expect before, during, and after your first dermal filler treatment.


If you’re very new to the cosmetic procedure world, browsing our helpful blog posts can help you learn tips about skin care, aesthetic treatments, and how you can reach your glowing skin goals. Afterwards, you can request a consultation online or call the practice to schedule an appointment.

During this one-on-one consultation, you will have a chance to talk to Dr. Stetler, Dr. Polder, or Dr. Feetham, who are all board-certified dermatologists. Working together, we’ll begin creating a customized “Total Skin Rejuvenation” plan. You will also have a chance to discuss your cosmetic options and your personal treatment goals. Through this process, your doctor will be able to answer any concerns and help you find the best procedure (or combination of procedures) to suit your lifestyle.


Our office prides itself on creating a pampering, spa-like atmosphere that is combined with experienced professionals and the latest technology. You can arrive 20 minutes early if you need a moment to complete any final paperwork.

Once you enter the treatment room, you will be offered a numbing cream for the areas to be injected. The areas will be cleansed with an antibacterial agent, and your provider will begin a series of injections. Any discomfort during this time is minimal. You will be given a small ice pack to help with any swelling immediately after the treatment.

The length of the procedure depends on the number of areas being treated. The process usually lasts between 15 to 60 minutes.


You can return to work or home after the treatment, although you should avoid intense physical activity for the first 24 to 48 hours. Slight redness or swelling from the injections is normal and will vanish after a few days. In addition to these side effects, bruising can occur around the injection sites and last several days, up to a week.

The restored volume from your injections may be apparent immediately or within a few days. These results can last for up to 18 months, depending on the type of filler used. Following a healthy skincare regimen can help maintain your results for as long as possible. Be sure to closely follow any post-procedure instructions given to you by your provider.

At the Dallas Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, we’re proud of our skilled staff and the results they help patients create. If you’re interested in what dermal fillers can do for you, request a consultation online or call the office at (214) 631-7546.

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